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Small-scale electricity generation


Microgeneration is one of the most attractive new fields for the energy sector in the medium and long term. While the twentieth century witnessed the development of large fossil fuel power stations that burn oil and coal, the twenty-first century will undoubtedly see the revolution of self-supply power systems based on renewable energy sources.

In addition to technology changes and an improved natural environment, a true transformation of the energy supply model can be envisaged. This new paradigm will be based on numerous installations, adapted to the energy consumed at the workplace or home, rather than on huge infrastructure to feed the grid, requiring substantial investment. Despite all the questions posed by a technology not yet fully developed, it seems evident that we are heading towards a more efficient and flexible system, obviously less dependent on oil producing countries and fluctuations in international energy prices.

This promising future is slow to come, not only because of the lack of technological development already mentioned, but also due to the poor commitment of many governments to supporting and promoting microgeneration or to the uncertainty about future changes in electricity rates. There are doubts, also, about the income to be obtained by individuals and corporations that choose to become small-scale power generators and supply power to the grid. It should not be forgotten, either, that much still needs to be done to bring about the cultural change required for citizens to take responsibility for the sustainability of our development model.